When will I receive a refund if my order is cancelled?

If your order has been successfully cancelled, here’s what to expect in terms of the refund process and timeline.

Refund Processing Time

  1. Standard Processing Time

    • Once your order cancellation is confirmed, we’ll begin processing your refund immediately. Please allow up to 5-7 business days for the refund to be processed and returned to your original payment method.
    • The exact time may vary depending on your bank or payment provider.
  2. Refund Confirmation

    • You will receive a confirmation email once your refund has been processed. This email will serve as your confirmation that the refund has been issued on our end.
  3. Refund to Gift Cards

    • If you paid using a gift card, your refund will be returned to that gift card. Please hold onto your gift card until you have received your refund, as it will be reloaded with the refunded amount.
  4. Checking with Your Payment Provider

    • In some cases, banks or card providers may take additional time to reflect the refund in your account. If you haven’t received the funds after 7 business days, we recommend checking with your bank or payment provider for any additional processing time on their end.

Important Notes

  • Original Payment Method: Refunds will always be processed back to the original payment method used at the time of purchase.
  • Partially Cancelled Orders: If only part of your order was cancelled, you will receive a partial refund for the cancelled items, which will follow the same processing timeline.
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