How to Close or Delete Your Encore Loyalty Account

If you wish to close or delete your Encore Loyalty Account, please review the information below to ensure you understand the process and any potential impacts on your rewards and points balance.

1. Important Considerations

  • Points Balance: Any remaining points in your Encore Loyalty Account will be permanently lost once the account is closed. We recommend redeeming your points before requesting account deletion.
  • Account Reactivation: Once deleted, your account cannot be reactivated, and any associated loyalty information will no longer be accessible.

2. Requesting Account Deletion

  • To proceed with deleting your Encore Loyalty Account, please fill in [this form](insert link to form). Our team will review your request and may reach out to verify your identity for security purposes.

3. Data Privacy and Security

  • As part of our commitment to data privacy, we will permanently delete all personal information associated with your Encore Loyalty Account once the account is closed.
  • If you have any questions about data retention or our privacy practices, please consult our Privacy Policy or contact Customer Service.

4. Alternative Options

  • If you’re considering closing your account due to issues or concerns, please reach out to our Customer Service team. We may be able to address your concerns without needing to close your account, such as updating contact information, resolving points balance issues, or assisting with account access.
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