Encore Loyalty Information
Encore Loyalty is our way of saying thank you to our valued customers at Brown Thomas and Arnotts. With Encore, you earn points every time you shop, enjoy exclusive benefits, and unlock special rewards. Here’s everything you need to know about the Encore Loyalty programme:
1. Earning Points
- Standard Points: Earn 1 point for every €1 (£1) spent on qualifying purchases at Brown Thomas, BT2, and Arnotts, both in-store and online.
- Birthday Points: Members enjoy triple points on all purchases within a 15-day window around their birthday – 7 days before, on the day of, and 7 days after.
- Sustainable Edit: Earn double points on all purchases from our Sustainable Edit collection, available in-store and online.
2. Loyalty Tiers and Benefits
- As you shop, your spending helps you progress through Encore Loyalty tiers, with each tier offering additional exclusive benefits:
- Platinum Membership: Achieved when you spend over €5000 (£5000) within a year. Platinum members earn 2 points for every €1 (£1) spent and enjoy perks such as:
- Free basic alterations
- Complimentary tea, coffee, or dessert when dining with us
- Free standard online delivery
- Platinum Membership: Achieved when you spend over €5000 (£5000) within a year. Platinum members earn 2 points for every €1 (£1) spent and enjoy perks such as:
3. Redeeming Points
- Every 100 points you earn equates to €1 (£1) to spend on qualifying purchases. You can redeem points in-store by using the digital loyalty card in the Arnotts app, or online by selecting Loyalty Points as a payment method at checkout.
- Please note that points cannot be redeemed for gift cards or the purchase of alcohol.
4. Points Expiry
- Encore Loyalty Points earned in a calendar year will expire on 30th September of the following year. For example, points earned between January and December 2023 will expire on 30th September 2024. We recommend redeeming points before this date to maximise your rewards.
5. Checking Your Points Balance
- You can check your Encore Loyalty Points balance at any time:
- In-store: Ask a member of staff at any till.
- Online: Log into your account on our website and view your points balance in the "Account" section.
- App: Open the Arnotts app, go to "Account," and check "My Loyalty" for your points balance.
6. Additional Information
- Encore Loyalty benefits and points allocation may be subject to change at the discretion of Brown Thomas Arnotts. Certain exclusions may apply, and Encore Loyalty Points cannot be redeemed for cash or transferred.